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Hungarians are in favor of government measures

The vast majority of Hungarians support the most important government measures that affect their daily lives. Supporting families, reducing overheads, curbing illegal migration as well as the protecting children are generally accepted in the society. According to most of the Hungarians, the tax refund for families (88%), the 13th month pension (86%), the minimum wage increase (85%) as well as the personal income tax exemption for young people (84%) are good rather than bad for Hungary and the Hungarian people as shown by the latest research of the Maria Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS). According to a representative survey of 1,000 people carried out between 5th-13th January 2022, respondents broadly agree with the most important, significant measures of the government.

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KINCS Minutes - about Hungarian families returning home and about Hungarian families living outside the country: Another short film of the Mária Kopp Institute about the results of Hungarian family and demography policy

All Hungarian children are a treasure regardless of where they have been born in the world. The third part of KINCS Minutes is about supporting Hungarian families living abroad, and describes the number of those leaving Hungary and returning to the country. 

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KINCS Minutes: Spots of the Mária Kopp Institute about the results of the Hungarian family and demographic policies

KINCS Minutes has started on the Facebook and YouTube pages of the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS). The video series presents the efficiency and successes of Hungarian family and population policy. The short films of a few minutes will cover a respective topic and prove the effectiveness of the measures with accurate data.

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KINCS Memorial Conference paid tribute to the legacy of Professor Mária Kopp MD

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Professor Mária Kopp MD and the 10th anniversary of her death, the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS) commemorated the heritage of her namesake. The results of the research on the mental health of Hungarians, Hungarostudy 2021, were also presented at the event. Those interested could follow the conference online.

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