30th International Day of Breastfeeding - Every drop of breast milk is a treasure

Eight out of ten Hungarians agree that breast milk is the best food for the baby, according to the research of the Maria Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS), which was prepared on the International Day of Breastfeeding. Hungary is also at the forefront on the international stage in relation to the prevalence of breastfeeding, in which MCH nurses play a significant role.

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On the third weekend of June, we celebrate fathers

Fathers play an increasingly active role in families and in the upbringing of children in Hungary. The presence of a father is a physical and mental health protection factor not only for children, but also for men. Today, many more children are allowed to live with both parents, as more children are born in marriage and the number of divorces has decreased.

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Cooperation between Széchenyi István University and the Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families

The Széchenyi István University has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Mária Kopp Institute, within which Hungarian and international research collaborations are implemented, and the internship program at the Institute provides a new opportunity for the students of the university. The focus of cooperation is on family and family-friendly attitudes.

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KINCS awarded literary and scientific works

The Maria Kopp Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS) awarded the works of the literary and scientific application entitled “Our Common Treasures - family, community, mental health”.

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On the occasion of Children's: Day Every child is a treasure!

All Hungarian children are treasure, be born anywhere in the world. The welfare and protection of Hungarian children is our common interest and responsibility, being the physical and mental health, the development as well as the safety of our children. The focus of Hungary's family-friendly measures is on children, whose responsible upbringing is the most important investment in the future. To this end, Hungary has one of the most extensive family support systems in Europe. As a result of the government's child- and family-oriented policy, 200 thousand more Hungarian children were born compared to the period before 2010.

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One in three Hungarians helped refugees fleeing Ukraine

According to the vast majority of Hungarians (77%), the government sufficiently manages the situation of refugees from Ukraine, according to a representative survey conducted by the Maria Kopp Institute for Demography and Families, which asked 1000 people. One in three Hungarians provided some assistance to refugees from Ukraine, and the same number is aware that the number of refugees arriving in our country has now exceeded 600,000. Most of them donated money (58%) or provided other donations to those in need (40%).

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